Author Archives for AndrasAdmin

Second Cultural Citizen Report

Published by Leave your thoughts <p>Cultural engagement by consumer brands is expanding, with European financial-services and luxury purveyors dominating the cultural-partnership arena. Brands are becoming savvier and more focused on results—and so are cultural partners. Brand elevation is seen as amore important benefit than sales.Report | Art and Brands 2018 |</p>

More Than Outreach, What Makes an Institution Public?

Published by Leave your thoughts <p>As custodians of artistic heritage providing platforms for collecting, producing, studying and sharing culture, art institutions have varied roles to fullfil. Should the general public play a role in their programming, collections and outreach approach?Conversations | Art Basel, Hong Kong, 2017 </p>

Arts Journalism in the Twenty-First Century

Published by Leave your thoughts <p>“If you count words and bytes, arts journalism, including criticism, has proved remarkably resilient in the digital age, but it is lacking a sense of purpose and urgency that previous cohorts of arts writers had understood to anchor their endeavor.” Clark Journal | 2016 | </p>

Cultural Institutions Respond to Migration

Published by Leave your thoughts <p>Recent years have seen a mounting refugee crisis. The crisis poses a challenge of almost unprecedented magnitude to institutions of all kinds – including cultural institutions. How are artists, art schools, art groups, and museums responding to this challenge?Conversations | Art Basel, Basel, 2016 </p>

Arterial interview

Published by Leave your thoughts <p>Listen to András Szántó’s interview with Arterial where he explains his background, the work he is doing with the Caribbean Arts Initiative, and his takes on Brazilian art.</p>

Art Basel Conversations | Institutions for Time-based Art

Published by Leave your thoughts <p>Recent years have seen an explosion of interest in performance practice, receiving wide international exposure at museums, festivals, biennales, and increasingly, in the commercial sphere. This panel of leading voices in the field will assess the evolution of performance and debate the way forward. Despite the growing recognition for performance, questions loom: How can performance connect more deeply to other forms of artistic practice? What are the commercial underpinnings of the art form? What obstacles are faced when presenting and promoting performative work? Panel participants: RoseLee Goldberg, Founding Director and Curator of Performa, New York; Otobong Nkanga, Artist, Antwerp/Berlin; Catherine Wood, Curator of Contemporary Art and Performance at Tate Modern, London Moderator: Andras Szanto, Author and Cultural Consultant, New York</p>

Museums Go Global

Published by Leave your thoughts <p>Expanding the collecting and exhibiting mandates of museums is accompanied by a host of unanswered questions. Drawing on recent experiences with global initiatives and collaborations, this panel of leading curators and museum directors will explore the benefits and pitfalls of going global.</p>

Rethinking the Encyclopedic Museum

Published by Leave your thoughts <p>This panel discussed how museums are moving away from traditional encyclopedic approaches to new models. The conversation confirmed the importance of art institutions adapting to the changing scene.Conversations | Art Basel, Miami Beach, 2013 | </p>