Architecture & Design Article Publications
“Imagining the Future of the Museum” review at Museums Association Journal
April 2024

Owen Hopkins, the director of the Farrell Centre in Newcastle upon Tyne, wrote a review of András Szántó’s 2021 book “Imagining the Future of the Museum” for the Museums Association Journal. “This book offers interesting snapshots of the ideas and influences of one set of protagonists shaping the future of museums” wrote Hopkins. Read More call_made

Architecture & Design Event Talks
Pinacoteca Contemporânea
October 2023

On Saturday October 28, join András Szántó, author of the book “The future of museums” and Paula Zasnicoff, from Arquitetos Associados, for a conversation on new perspectives for art institutions, moderated by architect Isabel Xavier, at the the recently opened Pina Contemporânea building in Sao Paulo. Read More call_made

Architecture & Design Article
Capturing the mindset of a generation of museum architects
October 2023

András Szántó spoke with Hungarian magazine Octogon about what kind of “hardware” the art institutions of the future will need. Read the full interview with the link.  Read More call_made

Architecture & Design Article
Icon Magazine
August 2023

“Traditional museum buildings are imposing, often built in a sepulchral neoclassicist style that hulks over people below while insisting on a particular Western-centric idea of art and history. There have been some changes since – many a side effect of the commercialisation of museums as competing tourist attractions with an eye on audience numbers – but the old model remains robust even as architects and museum directors have tried to create museums that reflect changing times”, writes Joe Lloyd in his review of “Imagining the Future Museum: 21 Dialogues with Architects” by András Szántó. Read More call_made

Architecture & Design Event Talks
Architect Elizabeth Roberts in conversation with András Szántó
July 2023

On Saturday, July 15th, from 5:30-7 PM at Marquee Projects in Bellport, Long Island, author András Szántó will be joined by architect Elizabeth Roberts for a conversation about architecture and museums, inspired by “Imagining the Future Museum: 24 Dialogues with Architects”, Szántó’s latest book.

Architecture & Design Corporate Art Initiative Event Talks Video & Audio
Art Basel Conversation: The Architecture of the Future Museum
June 2023

As museums seek to become more open, community-centered, experiential, digital, and connected to nature, architects can help realize their ambitions. Moderated by András Szánto, this conversation explores how architecture can lead the way in advancing and enhancing the museum. With Lina Ghotmeh(Founder, Lina Ghotmeh Architecture, Paris), Klaus Biesenbach (Director, Neue Nationalgalerie, Berlin), Kulapat Yantrasast (Founder and Creative Director of WHY, Los Angeles) and Jacques Herzog (co-Founder, Herzog & de Meuron, Basel). Read More call_made

Architecture & Design Article Publications
As Museum Design Moves Beyond Starchitecture, New Blueprints Show Signs of the Future
June 2023

In Andy Battaglia’s ARTnews interview with András Szántó about his latest book: Imagining the Future Museum: 21 Dialogues with Architects, they spoke about about aspirational architecture, museums’ new trend toward humility, and how the art world can help guide society at large. Read More call_made

Architecture & Design Event Museum Initiative Talks
András Szántó at The Bass on the future of museum
May 2023

Join András Szántó for a conversation on “The Future of Museums” as The Bass continues to explore and develop the vision for the museum expansion plan following the award of $20.1 million dollars from the City of Miami Beach. The Bass plans to add versatile spaces for engagement and a state-of-the-art contemporary gallery, incorporating educational technology that enhances the visitor experience, as well as modern ways of presenting new media and video works which aligns with the cultural direction of Miami Beach. András Szántó helps museums, foundations, educational institutions and corporate brands worldwide develop and plan cultural strategy that promotes new practices and experimentation in the arts. Read More call_made

Architecture & Design Article Publications
Review of “The Future of the Museum: 28 Dialogues with Architects” by Rhana Devenport, Director of the Art Gallery of South Australia
April 2023

Rhana Devenport, the Director of the Art Gallery of South Australia, has written a review of Andras Szanto’s latest book titled “The Future of the Museum: 28 Dialogues with Architects” for the organization’s magazine. In her review, Devenport asserts that Szanto’s new compilation is equally captivating compared to his previous book. The notable shift in focus from museum directors and the “software” of museums to conversations with architects engaged in the conception and construction of contemporary museums highlights the significance of the “hardware” aspect of art museums. You can read the article by subscribing to the magazine. Read More call_made

Architecture & Design Video & Audio
Podcast Reading the Art World
April 2023

Listen to Megan Fox Kelly’s captivating podcast episode featuring András Szántó, author of “Imagining the Future Museum: 21 Dialogues with Architects.” Published by Hatje Cantz in January, the book provides a rare glimpse into the minds of 21 of the world’s most renowned architects as they share their thoughts on the future of museum design: “Across the board, whether you talk to a Chinese architect, or a Latin American architect, or a European architect, is this idea of opening up… Really turning the museum from this citadel or this temple on the hill, into something that is woven into the city and which embraces all of the community and all of the civic complexity that is at its front door.” Read More call_made

Architecture & Design Article Publications
‘Imagining the Future Museum’ at Burlington Magazine
April 2023

A review of András Szántó’s latest book, ‘Imagining the Future Museum: 21 Dialogues with Architects,’ was published in the printed version of Burlington Magazine by Charles Saumarez Smith. According to Saumarez Smith, “the book traces a clear trajectory away from the big, bold, dominant structures of so many museums designed at the turn of the millennium, exemplified by Gehry’s Guggenheim Museum, Bilbao, which hypnotised urban planners at least as much as its visitors, towards structures that are vastly less assertive, provoking ideas instead of conveying information and allowing the visitor to wander freely.”

Architecture & Design Event Publications Talks
Book Talk at Behavior is a function of person in their environment, Malibu
March 2023

Marking the publication of Imagining the Future Museum, this event took take place March 25, 2023 at Bridgitte D’Annibale’s recently unveiled site-specific installation, B=f(P,E), Point Doom, Malibu, CA, featuring a conversation with Sandra Jackson-Dumont (Director & CEO, Lucas Museum of Art, Los Angeles), Liam Young (SCI-arc professor of digital space design), and András Szántó, moderated by Emmanuel Olunkwa (editor, Pin-Up, co-founder November Magazine).  Read More call_made